Who gives a PERSON the right to say...who is professional & who is not and to tell Designers who are in there group to remove their listing cause its not part of their guidelines!!!!
Its bad enought that some Buyers have made some Designers think that thier Outfits will ONLY sell if REAL models are in thier outfits. So what gives here, Who gives people the right to say you QUALIFY and you DON'T!!!
Is this one of the reason why some Designers choose to stay away from groups and if so this is a shame.
The one thing we most all remember is we all start sewing from when we were young and not all of us are VERSACE, but we all need to be treated with RESPECT and have compassion for any Designer.
I'm not sure what happened here, but sounds kind of unprofessional to make someone pull a listing because they don't have a live model??? I list all the time without a model and my things sell fine. That stinks. Sorry.
foul smelling to me and the ones who are doing this, should be a shame of themselves. Glad you did post this meassage :)
I am so glad that someone posted this. Some people just think they are better I guess. When the truth of the matter is that we all work just as hard to make beautiful & quality designs that buyers can afford and enjoy ! The buyers feedback and opinion is what matters, not who(or what) is wearing the outfit in the auctions.
I am so happy you brought this up!!!I have seen on blogs on boards this kind of thing going on someone will ask to be clinque next thing you know nasty remarks are made I saty away from those.
Every designer is just that A designer what someone may or may not like or think is to busy another will LOVE it! That is called creativity they are not seamstress either they are designers! It is said to be told to pull their listing because of no models I sell with or without models its the outfits that are for sale not the models.
My thought:
We all had to start somewhere and some one had the time and patience to teach us how to sew...so remember God does not like UGLY
So refreshing to see this topic brought up. As a designer who has been doing what I do in the real world for more than 45 years I was shocked to be told by an ASQ that my outfits may get bids if I used a model. So I found a model and an awesome one at that. Did my work start getting bids? Answer is yes but, I also at that time changed my focus on what I was creating. I now list with and without a model and sell or don't. This is a finicky selling venue. Some things go high and the ones that deserve to because of all the work put into them do not, so I don't know if there is an answer to the why's and how's.
I have even been told to change my id.
I have several repeat buyers. I will stay with what I do cause it works.
I am in a group and love it, likely because they are all very supportive of each other.
I believe it is just plain rude how some of these talented ladies are treated by other so called ladies.
Thank you for opening this topic.
I have no hair on my tongue..and a group is just a group...not a prison with a warden to tell you what is right & what is wrong..to me a group is for support and to learn from each other..and most of all people you can talk to when you need someone to listen..well I said my peace and go ahead and throw stones...:)
Yes indeed it is time someone brought this subject up. I think the whole thing is getting crazy. Several years ago we used the old wooden hanger type of "form" and things sold. Then later we used the jersey forms and things still sold. So why do we need to have a child wear the outfit for it to sell?
It is the thought process of the current group of designers that makes one feel that they will not sell their outfits unless it is modeled by a child. This is nonsense. As long as you have the complete measurements of the outfit and show pics from several angles it will still look great. If the prospective buyer has any questions they can ASQ.
As far as a group telling one of their members to pull an auction because it doesn't follow their guidelines (a child must model the outfit) I think it is time to remove ones self from that group. That is not what a group is supposed to be all about. That is nitpicking.
AMEN! I've been sewing for 30 plus years - I REFUSE to send my clothing out OR conform to a certain age range because THAT is what is selling! I've purchased alot from supposed TOP NOTCH sellers on e-Bay and have been disappointed 75% of the time! I just had to see what all the hoopla was about! I steer clear of groups! Keep on sewing ladies - don't let the few discourage - they're probably worried about the competition to begin with!!
Jill, I'm not sure what you mean by God doesn't like UGLY. Perhaps you meant an UGLY heart (which is true) but he certainly loves the ugly looking. He created UGLY looking people and who am I to say God isn't a good designer! lol :)
I think that by UGLY she did mean ugly on othe inside...because some of the world's most beautiful people can be truly ugly on the inside...
As for groups...that's why I've left some of the bigger boards... because of the high and mighty attitudes...
I like my little group just fine...and that's where I know I can get an honest opinion and some real advice if I need it...
APPLAUSE for the groups that support their designers, no matter what they are designing...and Boo Hiss to those that think that there should be a "certain mold" that we need to conform to...
I will not conform!
I agree.
This isn't related to using a live model, but I was most taken-aback once when reading another designer's feelings about some of the handcrafted boutique listings on eBay.
Basically if it didn't fit her definition, then the person was merely playing with their sewing machines. I read carefully, and I completely missed the part where she was appointed big kahuna of the village of What's Considered Boutique. It just had an ugly I'm-better-than-you tone to it.
Yes, some people put more work into their creations than others; but none of us are in the position to make blanket statements about who should be able to sell and who shouldn't based on each of our own set of criteria. KWIM?
I personally don't want to hold anyone back from trying their hand at any craft. And to put on airs, and attempting to make people feel awful for even attempting is just not necessary.
I've said it many times before...ugly is as ugly does.
Well said psbbdesigns! You hit the nail on the head. Christine
I agree. I very seldom use models and I have no problems either.
Treat others like you would like to be treated.
We should be greatful for the talents that God has given us,so how dare this people to judge other peoples talents?
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