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Monday, January 21, 2008

Designer what are you worth...

Fashion Designers

Design clothing and accessories. Create original garments or design garments that follow well established fashion trends. you really know what you are worth an hour!!
This is not a pop quiz and I like to know what you think...I have the answers for you, but will hold off on that info right now...;)


Anonymous said...

At least $10 an hour on top of the costs of material and notions.

Anonymous said...

$15 an hour, not including what we have to buy.

Anonymous said...

$50 an hour net

Anonymous said...

love the way you think, but its surprising..what people do not know....:(


Anonymous said...

I'm surpised at the responce here...and thought as a Designer you would like to make sure you are getting paid what you are worth...:(


Anonymous said...

Its hard a first to even get buyers to buy from a new person and most lose on the fair amount due to you...but if you have children that you can make the set never lose on making that outfit....the going rate would surprise many and that is why..most big name stores use sweat shops...:(


Anonymous said...

I have to agree,I know here when doing local for a simple dress that will take me two hours to make I charge 50.00 plus the cost of fabrics etc. And for just capris its 40.00 plus cost of fabrics thats for the adults.
For the kids its little lowers so I guess I average 25.00 an hour for locals.
ONline its different. becuase of the competation, its more like 15 to 18 an hours plus cost of fabrics and supplies.

Anonymous said...

I know whatever I get is usually a total loss.... with fees and time and supplies.... I would LOVE to actually be PAID thru my sales!

My first Daughter to get Married...

Tabberone"s VeRO Commandments...A helpful site for Designers....Who have TROLLs on their back...

If you are having issues with items being pulled by Ebay...This will be very helpful to you as a Seller....Click on the Cat logo!! Tabberone words to me were: Education is power!!!!